
About Me

My photo
Chicago, IL, United States
Hello again, I'm Necole Brown, a loving, caring, compassionate, person who's concerned about people and their well-being. I'm on a mission to assist as many individuals as have an ear to hear with how they can SAVE money, GET healthy, and CREATE wealth. My Vision and Purpose is To Assist The Masses In Getting To Their Wealthy Place and To Be Able To Own Their Own Life! FOR ME, LIFE IS ALL ABOUT MAKING IT HAPPEN FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOKING FOR A BETTER WAY! The company I represent is Youngevity, and there are over 500 products, but it could all begin with sharing the “90 For Life” Pharmacy Savings Card to help those you know save money. I'm not a Rx representative, I'm just trying to help the average American save on some of the trillion dollars that the pharmaceutical companies are making, and then show them how they can get off of medication, if they so desire, and take the "90 For Life" Healthy Body Challenge. Take the first step and learn more now. Don’t wait another day to improve your life and attain optimal health. Call me on 630-267-4132, and don't forget to visit me at: http:/

Clemson Study

Introduction to Dr. Wallach

Dr. Joel D. Wallach 2011 Klaus Schwarz Commemorative Medal

Andre Vaughn

Dave and Barb Pitcock

2013 Business Presentation



o The alarming fact is that foods -- fruit and vegetables and grains -- now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us -- no matter how much of them we eat!


o Our forefathers [and foremothers] thrived on a selection of foods that would starve us! No one of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply their system with the mineral salts they require for perfect health, because their stomach isn't big enough to hold them.


o “99% of American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.” U.S. Senate Document #264.


o Minerals are vital to human metabolism and health--and that no plant or animal can appropriate to itself any mineral which is not present in the soil upon which it feeds.


o Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come are brought into proper mineral balance?


o Vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.


o Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon the calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein, or carbohydrates we consume.


o People around the world are recognizing the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and maintain optimal health without requiring invasive treatments such as surgery.


o 80% of diseases fall within 4 categories Here are just a few examples of over 900 diseases that can result from nutritional deficiencies: 1) Blood Sugar Imbalances, 2) Calcium Deficiencies, 3) Digestive Disorders, 4) Essential Fats and Cholesterol Deficiencies.

Ø FACT 10:

o For optimal health we need: 60 Minerals 16 Vitamins 12 Amino Acids 2-3 EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids).

Find My Mineral Deficiency

Necole Brown's Newsletter

(click to view)

COMMUNITY AWARENESS is key...Millions die each year from health concerns because of a simple mineral deficiency. Find out what your body is missing. Vist me at:, 630-267-4132

...and don't forget to fill out the form to get your results.




Healthy Start Weight Loss Pak

Why Youngevity

Why The CHallenge




Credit Cards

Sunday Night Youngevity Call

PITI and Credit Card Debt

If PITI or monthly rental payments, along with monthly electrical, gas, phone, and the other luxuries that we have, keep you in an upside down situation, you may want to watch the below videos and then give me a call on 630-267-4132. AND, PLEASE DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE MONTHLY CREDIT CARD INTEREST!!!!!!!

Definition of 'Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance'

PITI - The components of a mortgage payment. Principal is the money used to pay down the balance of the loan; interest is the charge you pay to the lender for the privilege of borrowing the money; taxes refer to the property taxes you pay as a homeowner and insurance refers to both your property insurance and your private mortgage insurance.

Credit Card Interest Charges and Fees

Get to know your Annual Percentage Rate (APR): Credit companies charge a fee in exchange for letting you carry balances. These are called Interest Charges. You can avoid a Interest Charge on purchases if you pay your balance in full each month. However, if you pay less than the full balance, a Interest Charge will be added to your account. If you carry a balance from month to month, Interest Charges will add up.

Other costs of credit: There are other fees and expenses associated with using credit cards. The more you know about these costs, the better you can control your expenses.

Annual fee: This is the yearly cost of owning a credit card. Not all credit cards have an annual fee. This fee may be posted to your balance when you open the account and added each year on the anniversary of your account opening.

    Late fees: These are charged when you fail to pay the minimum payment due by its due date. To be sure your payment arrives on time, mail it at least 5 to 7 days before it is due. Many credit card companies offer online payments through your checking account. This option is generally much faster than traditional mail and usually posts to your account within 24 hours.

    Other fees: These include an over-the-limit fee if your balance exceeds your credit limit. You may also be charged fees for returned checks, cash advance checks or stop-payment requests.

Major Business Building Blitz Call with the Youngevity Elite Superstars! Start Exploding your Business Today! Every Sunday 9:30PM ET / 6:30PM PT, Call 212-990-8000 Pin 75555#. Bring your guests and join our call for a complete overview of Youngevity's Business and Income opportunity. The Opportunity Call is a great tool to introduce your prospects to Youngevity! The call is focused on showing your guests the power of Youngevity and the difference it can make for them.

2013 Convention

2013 Convention Announcements

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A 2011 To Remember When It Comes To FDI Youngevity

Where do I begin?  Just waking up each day has been good enough for me.  But, because someone cared enough about me to share a home-based business opportunity with me in 2011 has made my future look even brighter.  It's not that an opportunity was introduced to me, but that I took the time to take a look at the opportunity and consider how it could fit in my life, so that I could work to change the lives of those whom I come in contact with.   

With so many home-based business companies popping up almost daily, we have to be careful when considering to partner with a company to do business with.  If you're someone who's been thinking about making a positive change in your life for the new year, you may also want to look at the leadership support of a company before you make your decision.  

What I can tell you about the company that I'm representing, is that the leadership support is excellent.  We have people in this company who're only committed to this company.  Some of those people have been around for years and don't plan on going anywhere.  And, from what I can tell the company isn't planning on going anywhere either. 

After joining FDI in April of 2011, I began to make plans to attend the annual convention in August of the same year, because I wanted to get a first-hand look at the company as well as those who're in leadership.  While there an announcement was made that FDI was going to merge with Youngevity.   It was also there, where I found myself surrounded by a lot of successful people who're doing big things and making lots of money, which was encouraging to me.  There are so many companies that I could be apart of, but I find that working my FDI Youngevity business to be very rewarding. 

It's not often that a company comes along that captures my attention, but I was introduced to one such company in 2011 that did.  Please take a look at the below video presentation and let me know what you think.  This just may be where you want to lay your hat, plus there's no limit to the amount of money that you can make.  FDI Youngevity doesn't cap you at a certain amount, like the corporate world does.

We're helping people, "Save Money, Get Healthy, and Create Wealth!"  

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish


You may have asked yourself the following question, "When Will My Day Come?" For so many of us, including myself, we're continuously putting other peoples needs ahead of our own. But, did you know that there's no better time like the present to make a better life for yourself and your family?  With all of the opportunities out here today, there's no reason for anyone not to be able to change the course of their life, if they have a desire to do so.   

Just imagine if everyday was a vacation day for you.  There's nothing better than being able to get up each day, when you want to get up, and still have money rolling in....RIGHT!  How do you think that owners of successful companies feel having the opportunity to do what they want to do, when they want to do it, and go where they want to go, anytime they get ready?  They don't have anyone telling them what to do.  They get to tell other people what to do, while they're FREE to come and go as they please.

What do business owners have that other people don't have?  If you said DESIRE, then you're correct.  Not everyone has the discipline to start a business and stick to it to make it successful.  And, for those who don't, they're called employees.  These are the people who get to wake up 5 to 7 days a week at a certain time everyday, and go through their daily routine, to be able to leave the house and catch the bus, train, or drive to their destination to assist the owners of successful companies become profitable. 

I take my hat off to those who're able to start brick and mortar businesses.  But, what if we each had the opportunity to start a successful business without having to go through all of the hassle that brick and mortar owners go through?  Well, we do, we just need to be educated on what's available to us. 

Once we know what our options are, what if we all were as determined as the bear in the below photos was to reach our goals?  What a wonderful life we all would have.  I truly believe that we would have no crime, because everyone would be self sufficient and wouldn't have to rob, steal, and kill.  Of course there would still be those misfortunate incidents, but overall, WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE WE WOULD HAVE

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Look at the numbers on the cake. I've been saying that I'm 50 for so long that my co-worker purchased candles that say the same. The truth is that I'll be 50 next year in 2012 around this time, and I'm not ashame to say it.  My birthday is on December 27th and I'm celebrating it for all of the Capricorn babies. 

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is Age Really Just A Number?

We can look at this from two different perspectives.  Growing up in my teens and 20s, I've heard people use the saying, "Age is just a number," but I never really understood it because I was young, vibrant, and full of energy.  As I moved into my late 30s and early 40s and entered into the internet age, I had the pleasure of meeting younger men who used that familiar saying as well, "Age is just a number."  Okay, I could go along with that, because it was flattering.  Now, approaching 50 next year, I'm beginning to wonder if age is really just a number, because I'm beginning to feel what goes along with a new decade.  SNAP CRACKLE AND POP goes by bones.  LOL  

Today, I heard something that really shocked me, and not in a good way.  When I first heard it, I thought that it was going to be a good thing, but it turned out to be the opposite.  Check out the title and then read about it for yourself. 

HOW DEPRESSING IS THIS? You may want to think about joining me, or looking at other home business opportunities, if you haven't done so already, that will allow you to take charge of your life. I'M VERY EXCITED ABOUT THE COMPANY THAT I REPRESENT.  MY FUTURE WITH FDI YOUNGEVITY  LOOKS GREAT.  I have no intention of working for someone else at the age of 80 due to poor planning. 

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Monday, November 14, 2011

You're Not Really Free, Until You Own Your Life

As we go about our day to day living, we sometimes stop and think about the what ifs.  For example, how would my life be different if I’d gone directly to college right out of high school.  I wonder where I’d be working and what I’d be doing now?  But, what if you did attend college right out of high school or shortly thereafter, but due to circumstances, life dealt you a different hand. 

For example, let’s say that you started a family in your early 20s and didn’t have the opportunity to work, for whatever reason.  Then, at the time when your life slowed down and you were ready to re-discover yourself once the children were out of the house, you discovered that the industry had changed.  One of two things has happened, 1) the career that you were hoping to pursue is no longer available, or 2) You’re too old in the eyes of the hiring manager for the opportunity.

So, the world changed, but you didn’t change with the world.  Please don’t despair, because the one thing that is on your side is time.  The one constant that you have in your favor is that fact that everyday a group of BABY BOOMERS is reaching the age where things just don’t work as it use to and you know what that means…off to the doctor they go.  And where do doctors work?  If you said the health care industry, you’re correct.  Don’t fret, because now you’re thinking that you’re going to have to go back to school for the next 8 – 12 years, because you won’t.

I’m going to let you in on something that you may or may not have been aware of.  There is a plethora of health care opportunities out there for you to select from that will get you into the job market in no time, if that is what you want?  It’s safe to say in less than a year and that includes the entire process of registering, attending, and passing the program to actually applying for employment after taking any national certification exams.  These opportunities allow you to work directly with patients or behind the scene processing the information for the patients.  And don’t forget that patients can consist of animals too. 
But let's say that you're at a place in your life where you don't want to work for anyone, becuase you know the hassle's that go along with that.  You understand that the only way to be really free is to own your own life.  If this is you, then give me a call.  We have products that will support the health of BABY BOOMERS as well.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What A Great Time To Be Alive In The Network Marketing Industry!

We live in an ever changing world, where we have to change with the times, if we’re going to survive.  Gone are the days of people working at a job for 40 years and retiring at 65 years young with their gold watch in hand.  Today people are changing jobs faster than they’re change their shoes. 

You too might find yourself in a place today where you’ve been forced into an early retirement by no fault of your own, and you don’t have the age to pull down your pension.  This may leave you wondering 1) why this has occurred in your life, and 2) what you can do about it.  Well, I’m here to let you know that hope is not lost.  You still have a world of opportunity out there just waiting for you.  So pick yourself up and dust off your boots and put a plan of action into motion.  The only thing that this means is that you’ve found yourself in a situation where you may have to make a career change, which could be good.

Sometime things happen to us for a reason and our future outcome will turn out better than we could have ever imagined.  Let’s say that you’ve worked at a company for so many years that you don’t have any skills, other than the ones that you’ve obtained at that job.  It happens to the best of us, but we have to work with what we have to get to where we want to be.  Once you put it into gear and make up your mind that the world isn’t coming to an end, and that there is still life after the job that you were terminated from, it’s time to focus because now you’re going to be faced with a few challenges, and one of them is competition in the job market. 

So, instead of looking at the job market, why not look at the home-based business market.  I'm working with a great company, that I'm proud to represent. 

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dead Doctors Don't Lie


I was at the FDI Youngevity 2011 convention in Baltimore, MD (Thursday, 8/11/11 - Saturday, 8/13/11)  and had a fabulous time. All I can say is that I'm in the right business with the right company for me.

This is me and Dr. Joel Wallach (Co-Founder of Youngevity and the tape, "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"). Just in case you weren't aware, FDI and Youngevity merged in August of 2011. The announcement was made at the convention, where we were. Dr. Wallach has so much energy, you have to experience him in person.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Perfect Example of Why We Need To Have A Plan B

This is a PERFECT example of why we all need a PLAN B, if we work for anyone other than ourself. And, even if we own BRICK AND MORTAR businesses, we need to look at other opportunities that don't require EMPLOYEES, but business partners, who're working towards the same goal as we are. Just so that you know, EMPLOYEES are no joke either. Employees can be a handful to deal with for business owners, so the pendulum swings in both directions.

This tells me that NETWORK MARKETING HAS A PLACE IN EVERYONE'S's for the employer and the employee who's looking to have a backup plan. Life can be so much more enjoyable when we have all of our basis covered. Moo & Oink is only one example of a company that has been around for 150 years and is now gone. What a shock for the employees as well as the communities in which it served. Life is all about what we create for ourselves. Don't make the mistake of allowing anyone to determine your destiny.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Are We Really In A Recession?

Here's something for you to think about.  Please do not let anyone tell you, and you believe it, that we are in a recession.  The recession is only in the minds of those who want to believe it.  If Forbes predicts the below three (3) rappers to be the next billionaires in the music industry, that should tell you something.  How did they get to where they are?  How does anyone get to where they are?  The only way is through support, by way of purchasing goods and services from a company. 

So, why is it that when it comes to network marketing, we are so afraid that we're going to be helping someone that we know?  Well, I'd rather give my money to someone that I know, than to give it away to those other people to help them build their fortunes, and I'm stuck in the same boat that I was in on yesterday.  At least with Network Marketing, which is the fastest growing industry out here today, I too have the opportunity to be on an equal, if not greater, playing field than the person who introduced me to an opportunity.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Wednesday, September 14, 2011




Windham, NH, September 12, 2011: On a weekly conference call with team leaders, Company President, William Andreoli praised the top ranks in the field for a job well done:

“It’s been just over 7 months since we launched the FREE Pharmacy Discount Program, and we’re saving people more each week now than we did in total during the first two months! Thanks to YOU, our valued representatives, FDI Youngevity is changing the way Americans purchase their prescription medications. While Health Care Providers continue to slash benefits, and employers struggle with skyrocketing premiums, FDI provides the FREE benefit that will empower ANYONE to save up to 85% on the cost of prescription meds – at over 60,000 retailers across the country. So far, we have helped hard working Americans save over FOUR MILLION DOLLARS! – This is money they were going to spend anyway! On the exact same medications at the exact same pharmacies where they already shop! It’s no wonder that our company is seeing EXPLOSIVE growth right now.”

Mr. Andreoli went on to quote Dr. Joel Wallach, author of Dead Doctors Don’t Lie: “Skyrocketing health-care costs today are forcing people to take another look at conventional medical treatment and determine how they can eliminate a
major portion of costly medical expenses.“ “And,” Mr. Andreoli added, “since the merger of FDI and Youngevity, not only can we help people save money on the high cost of prescription medications, but we can also position them to take advantage of more natural alternatives to conventional health care. It’s the best possible combination for our customers. We’re really here to do just three things; to help people SAVE money, get HEALTHY, and create WEALTH.”

Mr. Andreoli closed the call pointing out what makes FDI Youngevity a better way to build the income of your dreams: “YOU can be in position to take advantage of our income opportunity for less than $100, and then make money and build business simply by giving these cards awayNo Sales! No big startup cost! The bottom line is that FDI Youngevity is what you’ve been looking for, and waiting for. We have a BETTER WAY, and NOW is the time! And best of all, we’re just getting started! We encourage EVERYONE to learn more about our amazing products, services, and compensation plan, by visiting our website, or better yet, attending an opportunity presentation, product training, or Super Saturday Event in your area. FDI Youngevity has brought together the time tested experience of Industry Leaders, the POWER of Wall Street, BILLION DOLLAR business building systems, and wrapped it all up with the same mission statement we’ve been loyal to for over 15 years: to level the playing field and give EVERYONE the opportunity to WIN!”

For more information about this FREE benefit, life changing products and services, or to find out how you can make money and build a business by helping people SAVE money, get HEALTHY, create WEALTH, and givingbenefits away for FREE, visit the website or call the phone number listed at the top of this release.


The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We should stop wasting our life working for someone else and get on with what is going to make us happy...TIME FREEDOM

Back in the days when our parents, and their parents were coming up, working for someone else was the honorable thing to do.  It all started with the Industrial Revolution consisting of agriculture, manufacturing, mining, etc.   As education began to evolve, people were encouraged to go to school, study hard, and get a good education, so that they could get a good job in Corporate America.  And today we’re living in the Network Marketing world where all things are possible.

Did you know that more millionaires are created in the network marketing industry than any other industry?  Average people working in the network marketing industry are accomplishing what they never would have been able to do in the corporate world.  I have heard story, after story, after story, after story of people being able to change their economic situation in the network marketing industry, and I’m on my way to being one of those.

So, the questions that I have revolving around the network marketing industry is, 1) if people are making fortunes in this industry, why is the government going broke?, and 2) why aren’t more people choosing to get involved in this industry.  One can only guess, but there are a lot of network marketing companies available to choose from.  Here are the top 25 companies in the industry according to Nexera.

When you make the decision to become involved with the network marketing company that’s right for you, just make sure that it’s one that will support you like the company that I’m with does.


The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Saturday, September 10, 2011

If we had more money and more mentorship, we could help more people.

I often wonder what the world would be like if we had more prosperous people among us.  I do believe that there would be less crime, only because crime is created by those who lack.  The only thing that separates one class of people from another class is the amount of money that we make.  When you think about it, we’re all born on an equal playing field, meaning, we all come into the world with nothing and leave this world with nothing. 

Yes, the family we’re born into has some bearing on our future, but for the most part, we are in control of our own destiny.  It all depends on how much effort we’re willing to put forth to make things happen for ourself.  There have been those born in poverty who have gone on to amass fortunes.  And then, there are those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, who can’t handle the pressure and end up destroying themself. 

Just think of the lives that we could change if we would do our part and mentor those who are less fortunate than we are.  All people ever need and ask for is a chance to shine and show who they are.  This would be their opportunity to let what’s on the inside shine through.

If you are someone who’s created success for themself, think back to how you got your start and then make the decision to pass it on, if you haven’t already done so.  We will not live forever and we should want to leave the world in a much better places than how we born into it.

IN A JUNE 26, 2006 NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE, Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor and executive, said today that he never seriously considered doing anything with his $44 billion fortune except giving it all away.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The reason we’re not as far along as we should be, is because we don’t have people to mentor us.

After we complete our formal education, mentors play a very important role in our life.  Without them, the majority of people would not be as far along as they are in life.  There are a special few who can take hold of the reigns and figure things out for themself.  For the majority of us we need someone who has been where we’re trying to go, to show us the way. 

When we have people in our life who take the time to nurture us and take us under their wing, we should not take that lightly.  We should show our appreciation by remaining coachable until we’ve been released from mentorship.  Mentors are so important, so let’s not mess it up for those to follow.  And don’t forget to give back once you’ve made it.  The more mentors we have, the more people can be reached.  This in turn makes for a better world for everyone to live in.    

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Stick To Your Dreams Until They Become A Reality

As children we all dream big dreams, but somewhere along the way, for whatever reason, we may approach obstacles in our life that may take us off course.  I would like for you to take a moment to stop and remember what got you excited when you were just a tot planning out your future goals. 

No one says to themself that they don’t want to do great things one day.  Not one person starts off in life thinking that they will do absolutely nothing in their future.  But, sometimes life can take an opposite turn for us.  That’s the time when we need to take a step back and begin to dream again and put the work into making those dreams become a reality.
One way of doing this is to Create a Vision Board for Yourself and Begin to Dream Again!  (click on the below link to learn more)

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Staying ready is something that we may not always strive to do because it does take work, but staying ready allows us to not miss out on opportunities when they arise.  Staying ready means doing things that we may not want to do today, but could pay off big for us tomorrow.  At any moment we can be called on to assist in a way that could be beneficial to our financial success as we move forward in life. 

What if we'd closed down and given up and then an opportunity appears, it will pass us by and move on to the next person who’s ready.  Take a moment to look at your life and your situation and ask yourself what you can do if the right opportunity crosses your path.  Will you be open to take a look or will you just let it pass you by.  Only you have the capability to make a positive change in your life.  The choice is always yours.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Saturday, August 27, 2011

It’s Never To Late To Become The Person Whom You Were Meant To Be

Never give up on your dreams because it’s never too late to become the person you were meant to be.  At 48 years young, I’m still living my dream of helping people.  I have been working for other people making them rich since I was 21 years old, and now I’ve finally found a company that will allow me to own my life by building a business where I can have ownership in the company, as I assist others to do the same thing.  I am so glad that I never gave up on my dream, because I will now be able to retire at the age of 50 and not have to work into my 70s for someone else.  You can do the very same thing.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish