
About Me

My photo
Chicago, IL, United States
Hello again, I'm Necole Brown, a loving, caring, compassionate, person who's concerned about people and their well-being. I'm on a mission to assist as many individuals as have an ear to hear with how they can SAVE money, GET healthy, and CREATE wealth. My Vision and Purpose is To Assist The Masses In Getting To Their Wealthy Place and To Be Able To Own Their Own Life! FOR ME, LIFE IS ALL ABOUT MAKING IT HAPPEN FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOKING FOR A BETTER WAY! The company I represent is Youngevity, and there are over 500 products, but it could all begin with sharing the “90 For Life” Pharmacy Savings Card to help those you know save money. I'm not a Rx representative, I'm just trying to help the average American save on some of the trillion dollars that the pharmaceutical companies are making, and then show them how they can get off of medication, if they so desire, and take the "90 For Life" Healthy Body Challenge. Take the first step and learn more now. Don’t wait another day to improve your life and attain optimal health. Call me on 630-267-4132, and don't forget to visit me at: http:/

Clemson Study

Introduction to Dr. Wallach

Dr. Joel D. Wallach 2011 Klaus Schwarz Commemorative Medal

Andre Vaughn

Dave and Barb Pitcock

2013 Business Presentation



o The alarming fact is that foods -- fruit and vegetables and grains -- now being raised on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us -- no matter how much of them we eat!


o Our forefathers [and foremothers] thrived on a selection of foods that would starve us! No one of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply their system with the mineral salts they require for perfect health, because their stomach isn't big enough to hold them.


o “99% of American people are deficient in minerals, and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease.” U.S. Senate Document #264.


o Minerals are vital to human metabolism and health--and that no plant or animal can appropriate to itself any mineral which is not present in the soil upon which it feeds.


o Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come are brought into proper mineral balance?


o Vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless.


o Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon the calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein, or carbohydrates we consume.


o People around the world are recognizing the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and maintain optimal health without requiring invasive treatments such as surgery.


o 80% of diseases fall within 4 categories Here are just a few examples of over 900 diseases that can result from nutritional deficiencies: 1) Blood Sugar Imbalances, 2) Calcium Deficiencies, 3) Digestive Disorders, 4) Essential Fats and Cholesterol Deficiencies.

Ø FACT 10:

o For optimal health we need: 60 Minerals 16 Vitamins 12 Amino Acids 2-3 EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids).

Find My Mineral Deficiency

Necole Brown's Newsletter

(click to view)

COMMUNITY AWARENESS is key...Millions die each year from health concerns because of a simple mineral deficiency. Find out what your body is missing. Vist me at:, 630-267-4132

...and don't forget to fill out the form to get your results.




Healthy Start Weight Loss Pak

Why Youngevity

Why The CHallenge




Credit Cards

Sunday Night Youngevity Call

PITI and Credit Card Debt

If PITI or monthly rental payments, along with monthly electrical, gas, phone, and the other luxuries that we have, keep you in an upside down situation, you may want to watch the below videos and then give me a call on 630-267-4132. AND, PLEASE DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE MONTHLY CREDIT CARD INTEREST!!!!!!!

Definition of 'Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance'

PITI - The components of a mortgage payment. Principal is the money used to pay down the balance of the loan; interest is the charge you pay to the lender for the privilege of borrowing the money; taxes refer to the property taxes you pay as a homeowner and insurance refers to both your property insurance and your private mortgage insurance.

Credit Card Interest Charges and Fees

Get to know your Annual Percentage Rate (APR): Credit companies charge a fee in exchange for letting you carry balances. These are called Interest Charges. You can avoid a Interest Charge on purchases if you pay your balance in full each month. However, if you pay less than the full balance, a Interest Charge will be added to your account. If you carry a balance from month to month, Interest Charges will add up.

Other costs of credit: There are other fees and expenses associated with using credit cards. The more you know about these costs, the better you can control your expenses.

Annual fee: This is the yearly cost of owning a credit card. Not all credit cards have an annual fee. This fee may be posted to your balance when you open the account and added each year on the anniversary of your account opening.

    Late fees: These are charged when you fail to pay the minimum payment due by its due date. To be sure your payment arrives on time, mail it at least 5 to 7 days before it is due. Many credit card companies offer online payments through your checking account. This option is generally much faster than traditional mail and usually posts to your account within 24 hours.

    Other fees: These include an over-the-limit fee if your balance exceeds your credit limit. You may also be charged fees for returned checks, cash advance checks or stop-payment requests.

Major Business Building Blitz Call with the Youngevity Elite Superstars! Start Exploding your Business Today! Every Sunday 9:30PM ET / 6:30PM PT, Call 212-990-8000 Pin 75555#. Bring your guests and join our call for a complete overview of Youngevity's Business and Income opportunity. The Opportunity Call is a great tool to introduce your prospects to Youngevity! The call is focused on showing your guests the power of Youngevity and the difference it can make for them.

2013 Convention

2013 Convention Announcements

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Falling Out Of The Middle Class

Too many people are going from being able to take care of their families, to having to go to the food banks, just to be able to obtain food for their families.  There are too many families loosing their homes, and I'm very tired of the way that BIG cooperations and small business owners are treating people.  The mistreatment of employees is happening to often, just because employers believe that they can get away with it, especially in times like today, when so many people are looking for employment.

Because of this mistreatment, many people are going from being able to take care of their families to being homeless in some cases.  This is happening all to frequently these days and it doesn't have to happen at all for those who believe that there is a better way.  Money cometh to big corporations in the same way that it can come to an individual.  If you are someone with a J.O.B. (just over broke), who aspires to stay on top of your game, then give me a call, and let's discuss how you can keep what you already have and take it to the next level.  It's already happening for a lot of people. 

The only difference between one person verses another is that some know what to do and others need to be shown, and I'm just the person to show you you the way.  I'm on a mission to put everyone in the know, so that they're not subjected to another man or woman's way of thinking as it relates to creating wealth for themself.

You can click on the below link and read the article, and then give me a call.  Or, you can scroll down below the link and read the article that I've copied and pasted for you.  It talks about the downward spiral of three families.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish


"Nearly one in two Americans is now living on the lower end of the income scale, according to the Census Bureau. For a family of four that's less than $45,000 a year. These are three families who are falling out of the middle class.
Photo: CNNMoney
One bedroom for a family of five

Previous pay: $110,000
Current pay: None
Where they live: Staying as guests in a friend's home

Talia Mobley and her husband Adam have been out of work for more than two years. Adam was a lead technician for Comcast and says, "I had it made." Talia worked in customer service.

Collectively, they have sent out 500 resumes but have not gotten one job offer.

Talia went back to school to retrain as a Certified Medical Assistant because she heard health care is where the jobs are. But she still hasn't been able to find work.

Fifty percent of the unemployed in New Jersey have been out of work for more than six months, and it's a similar story in Florida, Illinois and Nevada, according to the Brookings Institute.

Photo: CNNMoney

From six figures to the poverty line

Previous pay: $130,000
Current pay: $15,000
Where they live: Their foreclosed home, awaiting eviction

This family of 5 represents what it can look like when the bottom falls out of the middle class.

They live in Morris County, N.J., where the median household income is $91,403.

Unwilling to show their faces, they still wanted to share their story. The father used to make over $100,000. But then his 6-figure, telecom job of 20 years went to India.

They haven't paid their mortgage since 2009 and wake up each morning wondering if today will be the day they are evicted.

Photo: CNNMoney

Not living in poverty but not making it

Previous pay: $40,000 to $50,000
Current pay: $12/hour
Where they live: Family shelter

A mother and her three children in Bergen County, N.J., now call a shelter home. Too ashamed to show their faces, the mother says, "I never thought in a million years I'd be at this point."

But when she lost her customer service job, she could no longer pay the rent in a county where the median household income is $77,000.

The manager of the shelter sees more and more families like this -- stuck in the middle. Not living in poverty but not making it either.

Since we first met her, the mother has been re-hired by her previous employer working in customer service, but only part time."

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Change Your Thinking and You Can Change Your Life

Do you wish that you could go back to the past and change something? Well, here's your chance to help yourself, and to help others as well. Dr. Joel Wallach has been delivering a message of good health and long life to Americans for over 40 years. This is a message that can really affect the lives of those who hear him speak.  So, sit back and relax and get ready for a treat.  It just may save your life as well as the life of a loved one.  How exciting is that?


(start the timer at 7 minutes to by-pass the introductions)

90 For Life is the theme for FDI Yongevity. How would you like to live a healthier life? Did you know that 70 Billion Dollars was spent on vitamins and minerals last year by those hoping to do just that? Did you know that the US spends more on healthcare than any other country and comes in as the 60th country for life expectancy. That means that 59 other countries will outlive us. Did you know that our bodies need 90 Essential Nutrients daily?

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Learn How To Make Money and Create Wealth

People's lives are changing daily with our business opportunity. It doesn't take a bunch, just a handful of people to deliver the good news.  Anyone can build this business, they just have to decide that they're going to do what it takes.  It's understandable the everyone isn't going to do this, because they're comfortable with where they are and what they're currently doing.  

If you're someone who shares the same passion and desire as I do and want to help as many people as you can while you're still living on this earth, then give me a call.  I have an opportunity that I would like to share with those who have an interest in saving money, getting healthy, and creating wealth, and it all begins with sharing a FREE gift with those who may need it.

Our story is 40 years in the making.  Some people will be open to this concept and some won't, and that's okay.  But, I have to get through all of those who have no interest, so that I can get to all of those who have been praying for someone like me to come along and share what I have to offer.  I understand that NO doesn't mean NEVER, it just means NOT NOW for some people, because tomorrow everything in their life could change.  With so many people struggling physically and financially, we have something that can help the masses.  

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

A Better Way

Are you looking for a better way to get ahead? Are you tired of the feeling that you’re a day late and a dollar short? Are you ready to have the experts in your corner for a change? Is time freedom important to you? Are you looking for benefits beyond those that are disappearing from your employer? Do you want to maximize the benefit from every dollar you spend for you and your family? Then you’re in the right place. FDI Youngevity is a Better Way!

At a time when America needs it the most, FREE sounds like a pretty good idea.

Imagine if you could GIVE something away for FREE, and every time it was used, you got paid… Sounds good, doesn't it? Better yet, imagine that this GIFT could save the average American 10% to 85% on money that they're already spending, that it never expires, and it could be used an UNLIMITED number of times, and still EVERY TIME it was used, YOU GOT PAID! Sounds unbelievable, doesn't it? Well, we're not done yet! What if you could use a FREE benefit like this to build your business, and that we will help you build an army of hundreds or thousands of people, all giving benefits away for FREE – and every time ANY of these benefits were used, not only did they get paid, but YOU did too? Are you starting to see how we have a better way to help people and build the income of your dreams?

The Discount Pharmacy program assures members the lowest price on prescription drugs, saving 10% to 85% on most prescriptions.

It's simple to use. The member simply presents the membership card to the pharmacist with the prescription. The pharmacist calculates the discount and the member pays the discounted price. No other paperwork required.


  • 10% to 85% savings on most medications.
  • Over 60,000 national and regional pharmacy chains participate as well as independent pharmacies.
  • No pharmacy program is complete unless it includes both retail locations where members may fill acute care medications and a mail order program so members may optimize their savings by purchasing maintenance prescriptions in 90 day supplies to treat ongoing ailments.
  • Do not call the pharmacy for price quotes. Prices may change from day to day and they cannot be given over the telephone.

DISCLOSURES - Pharmacy discounts are Not Insurance, and are Not Intended as a Substitute for Insurance. The discount is only available at participating pharmacies.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Is All About Saving Communities

Have you heard the phrase that it takes a village?  Well it really does, and my journey in 2012 will take me into the communities where I hope to change the lives of those trying to survive.  It's not rocket science and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what people want and need.  The only thing that will change communities is money, which should come from jobs. 

Seeing that there are not as many jobs available that are required for communities to flurish, I'm looking to go another route.  With so many home-based-businessess available, there's never been a better time than now to take back our communities, but it will take everyone getting involved.  When I say everybody, I mean everybody.  It will have to start at the top with the leaders in the community and work my way down.  

I work with a company that offers a FREE Pharmacy Discount Card to those who need assistance purchasing their monthly medication, which will help people, save money, and who couldn't use this.  At a time when people are hurting, every little bit helps.  Now, this is just the beginning, because once we have the attention of the people, we will also teach them how to get healthy, allowing them to get off of some, if not all of their medications, if they have a desire.   

The last and final step is to show people how they can share this information with others to create wealth for themself.  My goal is for as many people who have an ear to hear and who have an open mind to be able to live in the comfort that God has created them to live in.  There is no reason for anyone to hurt and struggle today with all of the opportunity that's surrounding us.

The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish

HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2012 Is Here


The phrase that pays YOU!
If I can show you a way to make money, handing out something for FREE, would you be interested? 

1-800-690-6124 English
1-800-705-2436 Spanish